Baby Blues

Baby blues

Have you heard the term baby blues floating around and wondered what exactly the baby blues are? Today we are here to talk about this common, yet taboo topic. Let’s dive into something that affects many families, the baby blues!

What are baby blues?

The baby blues are feelings of overwhelm and sadness that occurs after birth and can last for up to three weeks. Baby blues affect four out of five postpartum women. Yes, that is right, four out of five! Baby blues are seldomly talked about, but extremely common.

Why do they happen?

There isn’t concrete evidence as to why baby blues occur, although it is commonly thought that the huge hormone change experienced after labor is directly related to the baby blues. After childbirth, progesterone and estrogen levels drop drastically and very quickly. In addition,our bodies also begin to produce breastfeeding hormones. That’s a lot of change! Another reason for the baby blues is the huge life change that a baby brings. Throw in some sleep deprivation, and it’s no wonder 80% of women feel some degree of baby blues!

What are common signs of baby blues?

There are many different signs of baby blues, but some of the common ones are:

  • mood swings
  • Anxiety
  • Sadness
  • Irritability
  • Crying
  • Trouble Sleeping

When do they occur?

Baby blues typically begin to occur within the first five days after childbirth, although this varies. The baby blues will last between minutes and hours typically each day.

How long does baby blues last?

Baby blues last anywhere between a couple of days and three weeks. If the above feelings still are present after three weeks postpartum, a call to your provider is recommended.

What can help to combat baby blues?

While there isn’t a cure to baby blues, a good support system will help to ease the overwhelm postpartum. It is important that the birthing person is rested, nourished, and cared for postpartum. Also, sleep! Sleep is hugely beneficial to easing these symptoms. Having a good support system in place ahead of time is important. Setting up your support system while pregnant is a great way to ensure you have the support needed while postpartum. While your eyes are focused on your new baby, let someone else care for you!Thank you for reading this week’s blog “Baby Blues.” For more helpful tips on all things pregnancy, postpartum, and parenthood check out our other weekly blogs.