Three Day Live-in Doula
There are 40(ish) weeks of anticipation for your baby’s arrival home. You prepare and buy baby clothes, feeding items, cribs, and decor. You will prepare for labor and decide where and how you would like to give birth. We often predict what this little being will look like and wait for their arrival. Your baby…
Postpartum Sitz Baths
This week we invited Amber Young, who worked in home birth for many years and is a hedgerow herbalist to talk with us about postpartum sitz baths. You may have heard about sitz baths in your local mom groups, from your doula, midwife, doctor, or during internet searches for postpartum care. Amber and I are…
Santa Cruz Midwives Interview
For this week’s blog, we interviewed Sharon Pottinger. Sharon is the owner of Santa Cruz midwives, an herbalist, mother of three, and friend to the Santa Cruz community. She can calm a room with her presence and make everybody feel comfortable and at ease. Sharon is respected in the birthing community for her experience, knowledge,…
First Week Home with a New Baby
Congratulations! You’ve welcomed your new baby home, and the anticipation is over. You did it, you carried a baby for 40 (ish) weeks, and you have birthed your baby. Now what? Today we are here to talk about the first week home with a new baby. How will it all go? Your baby will sleep…
Planning for Postpartum
We often see families spending much of their time during pregnancy preparing for the birth of their baby. Families spend time thinking about how their transition into parenthood will be. There is so much unknown during the journey into parenthood, whether it is your first or your fifth baby. Today we are here to talk…
Writing Your “Birth Plan”
There is so much to prepare for when getting ready to welcome your baby into the world. There are a million and one options for each decision you face, and more likely than not, every person you talk to will have a different piece of advice to add. All the opinions can make things a…
The Birth of Bay City Doulas
When telling the story of the beginning of our business, I almost feel guilty. I feel like I should be saying, ” It was so hard, it took us months to figure out all of the logistical things, and we argued about who would do what!” or ” It took us years of hard work…
Fed is Best- Really
Being a new parent can sometimes feel like being back in middle school all over again. You are in this unfamiliar territory, and everyone around you is telling you there is a right way to do things. There is a lot of judgment in parenthood, and a lot of this judgment comes from a “look”…
Will I Ever Sleep Again?
Congratulations, if you are reading this, you have most likely just welcomed home a new baby. The second guess is you are tired! Today we are here to talk about infant sleep and sleep deprivation in new parents. We often hear about this topic before having children of our own, but don’t truly know its…
Differences Between Independent Doulas and Doula Agencies
Congratulations! If you are reading this, it most likely means you are researching to get some support for yourself during birth or postpartum! We want to congratulate you on that decision; we know first hand how much proper support can enhance this experience. With so many Doulas in the Bay Area, the decision of who…