Baby-Friendly Museums in the Bay Area
The Bay Area is opening back up, and many are eager to take their newest additions out to explore! We are so lucky to have so many different places to visit in the Bay. From top parks, beaches, museums, and historic neighborhoods, we truly have it all! Let’s dive in and grow those tiny minds…

Traveling Tips with a Baby
As the world slowly begins to open back up, the thought of travel is crossing our minds more and more! Most of us have spent this last year at home, so it makes sense that your family may be eager to take a trip. When thinking about traveling with a new baby, there are often…

How Long is Postpartum?
How long does postpartum last? How long should we plan to have postpartum care, and how long is postpartum? These are two of the most common questions our team is asked! Today we want to talk about the postpartum period, societal pressure to ” bounce back,” how long you need to adjust to your new normal,…

Sex After Having a Baby
Will sex hurt after childbirth? When is it safe to have sex again after having my baby? I’m worried I won’t feel like having sex ever again! The Bay City Doulas team is asked these questions often. Yup, these are common questions, and you are not alone! Today we want to dive into the topic…

Morning Sickness
A friend of mine once told me, “the first 16 weeks of her pregnancy felt like a never-ending hangover” Morning sickness, headaches, and dizziness are very normal, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. Today we are here to talk about what’s normal, what needs medical intervention, and how to combat morning sickness. What is…

Postpartum After Infertility
This week I am here to share my journey with postpartum after infertility. Written by: Cosima Wright. I tried to get pregnant for close to 4 years. During this time I imagined that once I got pregnant and became a mom my world would be perfect. If I was brutally honest with myself in those…

Lymphatic Massage for Reproductive Health
For this week’s blog, we invited Kem White to talk with us about lymphatic massage for reproductive health. Kem is an ayurvedic Specialist, clinical herbalist, and postpartum doula with Bay City Doulas! Kem has worked closely with families and new moms in different modalities since her first son’s birth twenty-five years ago! We hope you…

Pregnancy After Infertility
The Moment I found out I was pregnant I burst out in tears. Tears of both disbelief and joy. After crying for three years over not seeing two lines pop up on my pregnancy test there they were. I was pregnant. It took my husband and me 5 years, 3 IUI‘s, 1 miscarriage, and one…

Labor Stages Part 2
Welcome back! For last week’s blog, we talked about navigating the first labor stage, which is classified from the onset of labor until pushing. This week we will continue with the seconds and third stage, pushing and the birth of the placenta! Let’s dive into this week’s blog; Labor stages part 2! A recap of…

Navigating Early Labor Stages
When you think of labor, what comes to mind? Normally the first thing to pop into our heads when thinking about labor is the end, pushing. This is thought of as the most intense part of labor, but there are normally many steps that happen before it is time to push! This week we are…